Shishir Mishra sir.

Shishir Mishra

Project Manager

Who is Shishir Mishra?

Shishir Mishra is a Project Manager at Intelivita, with a remarkable 15-plus years of experience in the ever-evolving IT industry. Shishir's journey through the tech landscape has been nothing short of impressive, spanning from web technologies to mobile technologies.

His career kicked off with training in ASP.Net, but he quickly delved into the realm of Java and J2EE, which eventually led him to attain the prestigious SCJP Certification. This deep dive into Java marked the beginning of a remarkable journey through the world of software development.

Presently, Shishir is deeply entrenched in the mobile technology domain, specializing in enterprise application development. His expertise and insight in this field are nothing short of invaluable, ensuring that projects are executed flawlessly and delivered to the highest standards.

In addition to his technical prowess, Shishir excels in the vital role of client handling and communication. His reach extends across the globe, with clients hailing from diverse corners such as the US, UK, Germany, Canada, Spain, Italy, and many more.

Shishir’s ability to bridge the gap between diverse cultures and geographies is a testament to his exceptional interpersonal skills.

Shishir plays a pivotal role in the project’s lifecycle, from meticulous planning to seamless execution, monitoring, and successful closure.

Shishir Mishra holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering, underpinning his commitment to technological excellence.

In the ever-evolving landscape of IT, Shishir Mishra stands as a beacon of experience, expertise, and client-centric commitment. With his diverse skills and global perspective, he is the driving force behind successful project management at Intelivita.

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