6 Reasons Why Startups Should Go With Android Application Development

Tuhin Bhatt

Co-founder of Intelivita

  Published on February 26, 2024

  7 min read

Mobile is dominating the technology industry today.

Almost every year, there is a mobile innovation that gets people excited.

Desktop no longer takes the throne, as mobile devices continue to evolve with more sophisticated features, from next-gen applications to cinema-grade cameras.

It is no surprise the number of smartphone users will continue to rise, with Android taking over the reign as the most used operating system in the world.

So, if you want to build a lucrative startup in the mobile industry, there is a huge potential in Android application development.

As a reliable Android app development company, we’ll help you uncover why and even help you open the path to get there.

6 Reasons Why Startups Should Go With Android App Development

#1. Huge Customer Base

One notable advantage of Android app development is the opportunity to market to possibly the largest consumer base in the world.

Up-to-date, there are more than one billion Android users.

Google Play Store itself stores millions of apps, with an average of 4375 apps released on a daily basis.

Each day, these apps get downloaded hundreds to thousands of times.

Try to quantify how much revenue you can generate from this estimation.

Compared to Apple, Android leads the market share by a whopping 75%.

Demographic-wise, Android is highly popular among the young and older generations.

The device can also cater to all economic levels, as opposed to the exclusivity of Apple or iOS.

Even for business, 87% of professionals prefer Android compared to iOS apps.

People appreciate Android as it is carried by a range of devices, from Samsung to Oppo, and the operating system is generally easier to get acquainted with.

So, think of an Android device as a high-quality asset with ultra-modern features that customers can purchase at an affordable price.

Not to mention, you can also generate more sales from the multi-modality of the Android operating system that also extends to tablets, TVs, wearables, and more.

Along with Google support, there is a clear path to sustainability as Android will continuously evolve with technology development, even with artificial intelligence (AI) or augmented reality (AR).

On top of that, Android is an open platform, which is another contrast to the iOS enclosed system.

This way, you’ll have easier and more diverse options to distribute your apps to the users.

Android has made the process of publishing apps on the App Store thoroughly streamlined.

In a few clicks, you can publish your app and profit from faster time-to-market.

#2. Low Costs

Startups have a rather tight capital. That’s why Android app development fits in perfectly for beginner businesses due to the low overhead costs.

To build a high-performing Android app, startups can simply make use of free tools and software development kits (SDKs) provided by Android.

Finding Android developers is also easier as they are widely available in the market.

Even the top-tier ones are hireable at an economical price range.

They generally cost $15/hour and may rise to $100/hour, depending on the expertise.

Additionally, it is not costly to create an Android app development with its base programming languages, which are usually a mixture of React Native, Google’s Flutter, and Java for dynamicity.

You can save even more by partnering with a reliable Android app development agency that will provide you access to premium tech stacks as well as a team of Android experts who are ready to work for you.

Most of all, Android will only charge a $25 setup cost to release your app, compared to the $100 iOS app release charge.

The renewal fee is also much more affordable compared to Apple.

With such a low cost, however, would it be possible to get a considerable return on investment (ROI)? This is what we’ll answer in the next section.

#3. High Return

97% of Android apps on Google Play are free.

As such, one might wonder: how do these apps earn profit?

Yes, the apps are free on Google Play, but 98% of them generate income from in-app purchases.

Imagine if you are an Android game publisher and selling in-app add-ons such as characters or skins.

There is a huge market that is willing to pay for these features.

This does not only apply to games.

The majority of Android apps also gain revenue from one-time payments or, more popularly, subscription models.

Android app developers can offer users valuable features in freemium packages and convert them into loyal customers.

Plus, many apps also make a generous income from in-app targeted apps.

By linking your app to Google’s ad network, you can get a % amount of commission based on your Cost Per Click (CPC).

#4. Faster Time-to-Market

Time is money. This is why most startups are working very hard to get their products and features out before other competitors.

The more time you have in the market, the more chances of seizing and dominating it.

This makes Android a viable platform for startups.

The time to develop an Android app normally only requires 2 to 12 months, depending on the complexity of the app.

Android programming languages are easy to master for most developers, so there is no urgency to lengthen your development timeline for initial training.

The libraries are also filled with accessible content, so developers can save a huge amount of time by developing features from ready-made templates.

Designing Android apps tends to also be quicker.

This is because Android users value simplicity, so there is no need to embed sophisticated rules in your app.

The threshold to enter the Android Play Store is also more accessible.

Thanks to more flexible app submissions, you can enter the market faster, gain a competitive edge, and boost your sales.

#5. High Scalability

Remember how Amazon lost $150 – $160 million in 2017 due to downtime? You don’t want the same thing to occur to your business.

This is why, it’s important to prepare your tech for scalability, even in the initial phase.

This way, even when there is an unexpected traffic spike, your app can still function well and generate sales.

Thankfully, Android offers a lot of customization to enhance your performance without straining memory usage or computation power.

Additionally, as your app grows, you will need to synchronize data with even more touchpoints.

Integration is also another area that Android excels at. You can seamlessly integrate Android apps with your existing or new system with its easy-to-use API.

Not only will this help with your app, but also your team performance.

By providing integration features, you can foster better intra-department communications, thereby heightening productivity.

#6. Resource and Feature-Rich

Perhaps another significant reason why Android app development is in high demand is its integration with Google services.

These include Google Maps, Google Pay, and Firebase.

The aforementioned programs are used frequently by users.

Through your Android app, you will have the chance to appeal to this large customer base while continuously improving core functionality.

Android also has one of the richest open-source libraries, consisting of the simplest to the most complex customizations that will not only satisfy business requirements but also make your Android app feature-rich and interactive.

Google promotes the development of high-grade Android apps even further with the integration of third-party apps.

Developers can leverage SDK to interface with the APIs that were designed for Android app development.

When you feel stuck, do not worry.

There are millions of developers in the Android community that has probably shared your pain point in the past and are willing to lend a hand.


So, what do you think?

Compelling, isn’t it?

There are many advantages of Android app development, starting from its immense customer base to the operating system’s scalability and integration capabilities that will ensure your apps grow and adapt alongside the business.

Are you ready to make a mark in the mobile industry?

Start developing you android application with a us today!


Tuhin Bhatt is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company. He helps passionate entrepreneurs build amazing tech products. Tuhin being a peoples man who has a passion to share his technical expertise with clients and other enthusiasts.

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